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Welcome to midwinter! This meditation will help to guide you through the remainder of the wintertime and help you to invigorate yourself with a resolve for survival and growth. By working with the seed’s energy, you will discover where your own will for growth resides. 


Establishing the breath


Start by taking a deep breath and close your eyes. Relax into the place your body rests. Feel the weight of your body where you are. Now move your awareness to the middle of your torso, right below your ribs. This is your power center. 


Breathe deeply into your power center. Feel the breath entering your body and then traveling down into your lungs, then filling your diaphragm until it’s full. Then slowly exhale all of the air out of your body until you feel your diaphragm and lungs empty. 


Continue the rhythm of this breathing until you feel your body fully relax and settle. Feeling your power center rising, and then falling with the breath. Your focus is settled on your power center. From here, you find your power.


Connecting to your body


Now, from your power center, you start to expand your awareness. With each breath, you notice your energy expanding in your body. There is a golden glow to this energy. It starts to flow into other parts of your body. 


The energy grows to encompass your heart center and you feel your chest fill with the golden light. The energy also moves down into your sacral chakra, feeding your creativity with it’s golden glow. 


Then the golden energy moves up into your throat and you feel your breathing get easier and your vocal chords relax. The energy also moves down into your root chakra, feeding your grounding center and strengthening your connection to the earth. 


Then the energy moves up into your head and your third eye chakra and the golden light fills your vision. And then the energy moves down into your legs, chasing away any negative or stagnant energy. 


Then the golden light moves up into the top of your head and radiates out of your crown chakra. You feel light and connected to the universe. Finally, the energy flows out of your feet, solidifying your connection to the earth and sending that golden light into the ground below you. 


Connecting to nature


From this place of connection, you feel the pulse of Mother Earth’s heartbeat. It is steady and strong. There is peace in aligning yourself to this beat. You feel the blood in your veins pulsing with her rhythm. 


Through her heartbeat, you feel a connection form between you and every living thing on this earth. You open your heart to share your energy and love with the world. Then you feel love and connection coming back to you. From this place of connection, you find yourself sitting in a winter landscape. 


Embracing winter


We have made it to the middle of winter, but we still have a long way to go before the warmth of spring embraces us. Feel the winter around you. The sharp winter wind, the smell of snow, the hardness of the ground. 


The world is transformed into the stark contrasts of brights and darks. The winter snow covers everything like a white blanket, creating a blank canvas. This sparks your creativity, the need for new beginnings, once we have survived the winter. 


Though there is a bite in the air and your breath steams from your lips as you exhale, you do not feel the cold penetrate your body. You simply take note that it is winter and there is a coldness to the world. 


Even though it is still winter around you, you notice that the earth still feels alive. You sit upon the hard ground and still feel the life underneath you stirring. 


Going into the earth


Now send your consciousness down into the earth. You notice there are seeds that have been planted, awaiting spring. You feel yourself melding into one of these seeds until your consciousness is merged with it. 


There is an anticipation within this seed, a quickening energy that radiates through it. Then that energy fills you too, so that your energy starts to feel the stirrings of the seed. 


Feel the seed’s resolve to survive and grow become your resolve to survive and grow. And then feel the stirring within yourself to begin the journey of rebirth through this seed. 


Sowing seeds 


Now visualize your seed-self breaking through the hard ground to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. You have survived through the harshness of winter and have come out stronger than before. 


The air around you feels alive and you drink up the sun’s rays. There is a joyous energy in the air and you can’t help but smile and laugh with delight. You have been through the trials of winter and are now ready to see it through to the spring. 


Take this feeling of accomplishment with you through the rest of this winter season, knowing that you can survive and begin again with the coming of spring. There is a resolve within you that cannot be shaken. Now you know that there is no trial or obstacle that you can’t overcome. You just have to come back to the seed’s energy and you will succeed. 


Return to the breath


You feel that resolve settle inside you as you start to return to your body. Feel the breath coming in and then out of your lungs as you reorient your energy back into your physical body. The steady rhythm of your breath makes coming back to yourself easy and effortless. 


You feel your feet still connected to the earth. Mother Earth shares with you her grounding energy so that you make transition back to a waking state with ease. You send thoughts of gratitude to her as you wiggle your fingers and toes. And then when you’re ready, take a deep breath in, and open your eyes on the exhale. 




Take a minute to reflect on your experience with winter and with the seed. How did this experience affect your resolve to survive through the winter season? Is there a particular area where your resolve is needed? What did it feel like to grow with the seed through the ground into the world above?


Let your mind answer these questions as you reflect on your experience. Feel where the resolve lies within you, then use that energy whenever you are going through a winter period in your life, whether it’s the literal winter or a metaphoric one. Know that it is always there inside of you. 


Until next time, my friend, be well and choose joy! Blessed be. 

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Kacey O’Donnell has been traveling her Wiccan path for over 20 years. She is an eclectic solitary practitioner and a Priestess of the Craft. She has been teaching basic Wicca for a number of years and holding regular Sabbat celebrations since 2011. She also infuses her practices with holistic healing and energy work, including Reiki, Access Consciousness, and Mental Energy Integration (MEI). Kacey believes that holistic healing and Wicca go hand in hand as they both teach how to move energy for the greater good.

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