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Hello my magickal friend and welcome! This week we’re talking about abundance!
Who wouldn’t want a more positively abundant life? I want you to ask yourself, what does an abundant life look like for yourself? What does it mean for you to have abundance?
What does abundance mean?
Abundance is a state of plentifulness. Abundance means you have more than enough. It’s when you are overflowing with whatever you have attracted.
Most people see abundance as only a positive thing. But abundance is funny because it’s completely neutral. You can have an abundance of positivity in your life or an abundance of negativity. The abundance itself does not discriminate.
What causes the direction of abundance is your thinking? Are you trying to manifest abundance in your life with positive thoughts or negative thoughts? Like attracts like, so if you’re thinking from a place of not having enough, you’re never going to manifest from a place of abundance.
Having an abundant mindset
Here’s the thing about mindset: it’s a consciousness you have about your thoughts. It’s an awareness of your mind and choosing to think what you think on purpose. Remember, your thoughts are always your choice, but more often than not we are unconsciously choosing what we are thinking.
I have not always been a conscious thinker. There are still a lot of times where I catch myself in a thought spiral and have to check myself. But being able to catch yourself when you’re going down a negative rabbit hole is an important skill to learn.
It’s taken me quite a number of years and working with a life coach to be able to think purposefully. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a daily struggle. But having someone help me look at my thoughts in a more conscious way has made a huge difference. If you’re interested in checking out my life coach, Natalie Bacon, and her coaching program, Grow You, click here.
Going through this work of changing my mindset to one of abundant thinking rather than thinking from a place of lack has been really life-altering. Being more thoughtful about how you think about things really matters. It makes a big difference in how you view your life.
Manifesting from lack
For example, if you are consistently in a state of thinking negative thoughts, you’re manifesting through lack. You could still be manifesting, but it’s coming from a place of not having enough. This will create the opposite of what you want.
When you’re in this mindset, you’re putting it out to the Universe that you don’t really believe you can have what you’re trying to manifest. Even if you get what you’re trying to manifest, your mindset will still be one of lack.
When you’re in a mindset of lack, it’s coming from fear. It could be the fear of not having enough, or fear of failure, or maybe even a fear of the unknown. In order to get out of that mindset, you need to address those fears so that you can move forward.
Manifesting from abundance
When you are manifesting from abundance, your mindset is completely different. You’re creating from a place of already having enough. You might not physically have what you’re trying to attract yet, but in your mind, you do.
Manifesting from an abundant mindset takes work. You have to be conscious of the thoughts you are putting out to the Universe. It’s a focused effort to manifest from a place of abundance.
Manifesting from abundance comes from having gratitude and loving what you already have. If you aren’t grateful for the things you already have in your life, the Universe is going to continue to respond to your energy. By showing gratitude, you’re putting more positive energy into what you’re trying to manifest.
The rule of three and the Law of Attraction
One thing to remember about creating abundance is the rule of three. The rule is what you put out, you get back times three. This relates to everything. What you put out into the world, you will get back three times over.
This is the Universe’s way of responding to your thoughts and actions. It sees what you put out there, then it gives it back to you magnified. So you need to ask yourself, what do you want coming back to you?
If you put out negativity and doubt, you’re going to get it back threefold. Same with positive energy. This is also known as the Law of Attraction. Like I said before, like attracts like. You want to be mindful of what you are telling the Universe you want to create, consciously or unconsciously.
The good news is, however, that good thoughts carry more clout than negative ones do. Positive thoughts have a higher vibration with the Universe so they attract at a higher rate.
Think of it in realistic terms. When you are in a good mood and thinking positive thoughts, you feel lighter, right? And when you’re in a bad mood, you feel heavier or have lower energy, right? The Universe responds to that energy so when you are putting positivity out there, it’s building on those good vibes. This is how the Law of Attraction works.
How to create abundance
Creating abundance is not as hard as it might seem. If you’re coming from a place of love and gratitude, it will flow 10x easier than if you’re coming from a place of lack and fear.
When you’re trying to create more abundance in your life, you need to focus your mind on the positive things you already have. What you put out to the Universe, the Universe will give back to you.
You also have to make room for what you want to bring into your life. If you clear out the stuff that no longer serves you, then the Universe will be more likely to give you what you’re trying to manifest.
Finally, the more energy you put into your abundance manifesting, then the more you’re going to get back. It’s more likely to come sooner too, if you’re putting all of your energy into manifesting your abundance. Below is a quick spell to help you with your efforts to create more abundance in your life. Let me know how it works out for you!
Spell for Creating Abundance
Materials needed:
- Green candle
- Citrine
- Lighter or matches
Go to a place that makes you happy or gives you a good feeling. Sit in that place and absorb that good energy. Let it build inside of you until you feel like you’re vibrating. Now focus on what you wish to attract into your life. Think about it from a place of love and gratitude. When you have a picture in your mind of what you’re manifesting, light the green candle. Place the citrine in your left hand, palm open upwards, ready to receive. Concentrate on the positive feelings you have inside of you. Say the following three times as the energy builds:
By the power of three times three
Come to me, come to me
By air and fire, earth and sea
As I will it, so mote it be
Once you feel the energy at its peak, funnel it into the citrine and close your hand. Feel the energy go out into the Universe and know that what you put out will come back to you. Express your gratitude for the energy you have received and snuff out the candle. Carry the citrine with you until what you have manifested comes to be.
Until next time my magickal friend, be well and choose joy! Blessed be.

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